INDIGO OpenMobile Toolkit (OMT) v0.7.3
INDIGO OpenMobile Toolkit - Android Library Project which simplifies access to INDIGO DataCloud API
Release Notes
What's new
Highlights of the first release of the toolkit:
- basic communication with FutureGateway API
- getting tasks
- creating tasks
- filtering tasks by status and by user
- getting task's details
- preparation for passing the access token from IAM
Supported Platforms:
- Mobile OS: Android 4.2+
List of RfCs
Deployment Notes
- the AAR file (the library) can be run/install without sample-app
the APK file with sample app can be installed on the device via Android Debug Bridge command:
$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/adb install PATH_TO_APK_FILE
Ansible playbook available on GitHub
Known Issues
- N/A