INDIGO - DataCloud Software Releases

INDIGO - DataCloud delivers open source software components tailored to scientific communities and to e-infrastructures, aimed to increase ease of use and effectiveness in the exploitation of Cloud resources.

INDIGO - DataCloud releases are available from the INDIGO-DC Repositories.

The maintenance and development cycle of the INDIGO-DataCloud Core Services and Applications is outlined in the figure bellow.

Major Releases

Taking into consideration the length of the project, the rapidly evolving cloud-environment, the need to offer stability to production infrastructures and in the same time to address requirements from user communities, the INDIGO-DataCloud major releases will be supported and maintained for 10 months after the release date. The availability of a new major release of INDIGO-DataCloud does not automatically obsolete the previous ones and multiple major releases may be supported at the same time according to their negotiated end-of-life policies. Within an INDIGO-DataCloud major release only the latest version of a component is supported.

Taking into account the rapidly changing environment, and especially some of the upstream release cycles (e.g. OpenStack), the INDIGO-DataCloud maintenance schedule is organised in the following periods:

  • Full maintenance period: during this period updates are released to address issues in the code and provide new features for each supported INDIGO-DataCloud major release (6 months)
  • Standard maintenance period: during this period updates are released to address issues in the code, but no new feature is introduced, for each supported INDIGO-DataCloud major release (2 months)
  • Security updates period: during this period only updates targeting security vulnerabilities are provided for each supported INDIGO-DataCloud major release (2 months)
  • End-of-life period: in this period no updates or support are provided. The end-of-life period starts after the end of the security updates period


INDIGO DataCloud releases are available from the official INDIGO - DataCloud Repositories, for operating systems packages and Docker containers.

Release Announcements

Stay updated subscribing to the INDIGO - DataCloud Releases Updates RSS feed or by subscribing to the INDIGO - DataCloud Announces Mailing List.

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