INDIGO Kepler v. 1.0.1
Release Notes
What's new
- This is the first release of INDIGO Kepler & Client
- Component consists of two parts which are both released under 1.0.0 tag:
Supported Platforms:
- The components are in Java, so in principle any modern OS can be used.
List of RfCs
- N/A
Deployment Notes
- During development, a Docker image was created which prepackages everything and creates a user-friendly Kepler instance with INDIGO-Kepler modules installed.
Both parts can be installed via Maven:
- indigoclient:
mvn install
- indigokepler:
mvn initialize install dependency:copy-dependencies -DoutputDirectory=target/indigo/lib/jar -DexcludeArtifactIds=ptolemy
- indigoclient:
Ready to compile version are available here:
- indigoclient-1.0.1.tar.gz
- indigokepler-1.0.1.tar.gz
- After Maven compilation, two artifacts are created: indigo-fg-api-1.0.1.jar and indigo-fg-actors-1.0.1.jar
Additionally, in indigokepler/target/ a directory named indigo is created which fulfills Kepler's requirements for a module. It is sufficient to add it to an existing Kepler installation to use INDIGO-Kepler actors.
Ansible playbook is available in GitHub and Ansible Galaxy
Known Issues
- N/A
List of Artifacts
Docker Container: