FutureGateway jSAGA Adaptors v. v0.0.1
- Adaptor to instantiate resources woth TOSCA
- Using the JSAGA adaptor for OCCI-compliant cloud middleware stacks supporting the OCCI standard, user can:
- switching on the VM pre-installed with the required application,
- establishing a secure connection to it signed using a digital “robot” certificate,
- staging the input file(s) in the VM,
- executing the application,
- retrieving the output file(s) at the end of the computation and
- killing the VM.
Release Notes
What's new
First official release of the TOSCA and rOCCI adaptors
Supported Platforms:
- Linux(ELx/Deb), MacOSx
- Ubuntu 14.04 Server, CentOSX, MacOSx
List of RfCs
- N/A
Deployment Notes
Installation methods
- Clone from jsaga-adaptor-tosca and jsaga-adaptor-roccior install it through PortalSetup scripts
- Download tarballs, jsaga-adaptor-tosca-0.0.1.tar.gz and jsaga-adaptor-rocci-0.0.1.tar.gz from the INDIGO-DC repositories.
Known Issues
- N/A
- Please refer to FutureGateway documentation
List of Artifacts
- Centos 7
- Ubuntu14.04:
- Please use the INDIGO - DataCloud CatchAll GGUS Support Unit